3 TRX for Yoga Beginner Poses: Prop Support with Suspension Training

trx yoga

The TRX suspension trainer is an incredibly effective work out tool that leverages gravity and your bodyweight for hundreds of exercises. Fitness professionals and yoga instructors have developed ways to use the TRX for yoga as a prop that can help strengthen and advance poses by offering a strong foundation to build from. It’s one of the most versatile tools because you can choose the level of challenge by adjusting your body position, and access parts of your body that might be impossible to open without the aid of the prop.

3 TRX for Yoga Poses

1. Virabhadrasana A or Warrior 1 Pose

Virabhadrasana A can be a difficult pose to master because of the open hips the posture requires. Tight hip flexors and quads make it a difficult pose to balance in, so using the TRX can provide the needed support and stability.

Start by facing away from the anchor point with the TRX handle bars in either hand. Raise your hands to about chest height, square your hips and then step your right foot forward and bend the knee to 90 degrees or as close as you can get. Make sure to keep your knee over your heel and your knee cap in line with your toes to protect the knee. Extend your left leg behind, placing the entire bottom of the foot on the floor, and then extend your arms overhead. The more you can reach your arms up, lift your chest and sink your hips, the more of an opening you will feel in your hips, torso, inner right thigh and front left thigh. Stay as long as you can and then switch sides.

2. Virabhadrasana C or Warrior 3 Pose

Warrior 3 is a balance pose that requires a lot of focus and strength in the standing leg and core. The TRX will help you find the strength in your core, and provide that extra stability to cultivate the ability to eventually balance on one leg.

For this pose, face the TRX anchor point and hold the handles in each hand at about chest height, making sure the straps are taut. Lean forward with your torso and simultaneously lift your right leg so that it is level with your torso. Keep your left quadriceps engaged and make sure not to hyper-extend your standing leg. Reach through your arms and torso and keep your lifted leg as straight as possible, pointing the toes. Bring your awareness to your core and see if you can keep your hips square to the floor, and your gaze on one point. Switch sides and repeat!

3. Urdhva Dhanurasana or Upward Facing Bow Pose (backbend)

Backbends are incredibly healthy for your spine, home to your central nervous system. Using the TRX can help you achieve a more profound opening and extensions in your spine, freeing up your entire body.

Before you go into this pose, set the TRX into single strap mode. Then set your upper chest on the TRX so that the handles are just below your shoulder blades. Have your feet hip-width apart, and make sure they are grounded to the floor or earth (if you happen to be outside). Extend your arms overhead and lean back to create an arch with your body. To go into a deeper backbend, you can lean your head back and push your hips forward.

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Image: TRX Training
