From Our Friends: New Year’s Edition

Here it is, the end of a banner year for Organic Authority. While we all are still very busy celebrating all of the wonderful things we’ve been able to be a part of in 2011, it’s always important to look towards the future. As always, with the help of our friends around the web, we give to you 2011’s last From Our Friends, dedicated soley to starting off the new year on the right foot. Thanks for reading this year everyone, we can’t wait to show you what we have up our sleeves for the next one!
1. How can we reach our goals? A leading expert on the art of achieving goals shares her best insider tips for success on Experience Life.
2. On New Year’s Day, you are what you eat. So make sure you’re filling up on food that will make you lucky, rich and happy in the New Year! Read more in this great post from Rodale.
3. Take a look at these 12 great analog calendars on EcoSalon for penciling in the new year.
4. Did you get some gadgets for the holidays? Fill them up with 5 health and fitness apps Blisstree says you NEED to have for the new year!
5. Psychiatrist Marcia Sirota has 10 bad habits to let go of in 2012 on Huffington Post.
You can follow Spencer on Twitter @SpencerKent