Meatless Monday Recipe Roundup: Thanksgiving Round 2

We know, last week we brought you a collection of outstanding recipes to pepper your Thanksgiving tablescape with absolute vegan goodness. But, the blogosphere has been abuzz with even more outstanding vegetarian recipes, so much so that we decided to go for round two. So, here it is. Instead of Meatless Monday, these recipes just might inspire you to make it a Meatless Thanksgiving. And some furry (or feathered) friends will certainly be thankful for that.

Greet your guests with some Pumpkin Patty-Cakes brought to us from Tadka Pasta, and they will be instantly tantalized into your creative twist on the traditional Thanksgiving fare. “What’s next,” they’ll ask, without noticing the veggie spread (here’s to hoping!). 

Instead of Candied ‘Yams’, give this one a go: Hassleback Sweet Potatoes! A Hasselback potato is one that’s thinly sliced, topped with bread crumbs and herbs, and then roasted. And My Recession Kitchen gives it an apt adaptation with a Thanksgiving favorite, the sweet potato. 

Couple that with not only a vegan version of the Green Bean Casserole, but the healthiest of its kind. What Would Cathy Eat has a Healthy Green Bean Casserole that looks absolutely gourmet, nevermind its health status. 

Speaking of gourmet… pumpkin pie gets a serious facelift over at Manifest:Vegan this week with their Bourbon Laced Pumpkin Pie with Walnut Crumble Topping recipe that is also gluten free. If you must choose one vegan treat this year, we say please and thank you to this meal-topping sweet. 

image: My Recession Kitchen
