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Here are 6 foods that give you energy to get you through your busy day. Feeling fierce? Thank your breakfast.

A new study shows that bananas are the most-wasted produce item in supermarkets. Other big food waste offenders include tomatoes…

Skip the S'mores but not the graham crackers! These summer dessert recipes use graham crackers in unique and yummy ways.

Genetically modified bananas enhanced with very high levels of vitamin A are being tested on Americans before making their way…

Bananas are a staple fruit in the U.S. Only trouble is they don't really grow here, and they're causing all…

Scientists have reported the development of a spray-on coating that could be available to slow the browning of bananas.

Each week we share our favorite links from around the web. This week includes highlights from Experience Life, The Organic…

Remember when the number one way to lose weight was to kick carbs right to the curb? Well the experts…

Oh, how quaint... but you're not really going to use those old fashioned folk remedies to treat your modern ailments,…