From Our Friends: March 14, 2014

Welcome to this week’s installment of From Our Friends, a weekly roundup where we highlight some of our favorite posts, published by our friends and partners around the web.

This week’s edition includes a chilling look at how just one indulgent breakfast item can eat up your entire suggested sugar intake for the day, which foods offer the best boost pre- and post-workout, why diet soda should not be a part of any healthy lifestyle, how whey protein helps rejuvenate after exercise, a deliciously all-natural (and alcohol-free) green smoothie treat to toast for St. Patrick’s Day, how to battle food addiction with biology, crafty ways to upcycle those dusty old prom dresses, what to expect your first time in the yoga studio, and some of the best recipes for less harmful cleaning products. Enjoy!

1. Though it’s no secret that these processed and packaged foods contain an outrageous amount of sugar, it can still be surprising how quickly we can reach our sugar threshold with just one single, mindless breakfast item like a coffee or a doughnut. The Gloss Health goes over the single items that can actually put you over your whole day’s limit. Yuck.

2. Need to know which foods to reach for before or after your workouts? HooplaHa shares recipes sure to give you the energy needed to push yourself a little farther. You can do it!

3. Speaking of what to eat in conjunction with your goals, how about what not to drink? Should you allow Diet Coke a free pass as a guilty pleasure or occasional indulgence as part of your dietary routine? You may have guessed that this sickening sip is really not okay, and reminds diet soda devotees why.

4. Sip on this instead! Whey is a great source of energy after exercise. Learn how The Organic Whey builds back better and improves workout recovery. (Don’t forget, The Organic Whey now available via too!)

5. Looking for a St. Patrick’s Day indulgence that doesn’t include artificially-colored beer or rich foods? Try EcoSalon‘s Chocolate Mint Green Smoothie and enjoy a festive St. Patty’s Day drink without compromising your health and nutrition needs!

6. Food addiction is often thought to be emotionally-driven, but one expert wants us to keep biology in mind too. Functional-medicine expert Mark Hyman, MD chats with Experience Life Magazine on our addiction to sugar, processed foods, and other refined carbs — and why a detox could help you lose weight and regain your health.

7. Those sleeves! That neckline! Those ruffles! The sequins! That bow! Old Prom and bridesmaid dresses, with their beautiful fabrics and embellishments, can have bright futures as tasteful skirts and modern dresses, purses, play clothes, quilts, and more, if we pick up the needle and thread, and hot glue and scissors, and make it happen for them. Crafting a Green World has almost two dozen suggestions to get your started reclaiming yesterday’s prom dress today!

8. Do you remember your very first yoga class? Anything you wish you’d known going in? Fit Bottomed Girls shares how to get prepared for your first time in the yoga studio.

9. MightyNest will get you in gear to get back to basics! When it comes to cleaning your house, less is definitely more– not less cleaning, but cleaning with less harmful ingredients. Learn how with their eight essential products for a spring cleaning detox.

You can follow Spencer on Twitter @SpencerKent

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Photo via Mighty Nest.
