Beyoncé and Jay-Z Offer Free Concerts for Life If You Go Vegan

The superstar couple is taking this vegan thing seriously by offering up a once-in-a-lifetime incentive.

Beyoncé and JAY-Z Will Give One Lucky Fan Free Concerts for Life If They Go Vegan
Credit: Instagram/Beyonce

Beyoncé and Jay-Z are proving just how serious they are about helping others transition to a vegan diet. The superstar couple is offering the chance to win free tickets to their shows for life to lucky fun who is willing to become more plant-based.

The singer shared the news of the contest in an Instagram post promoting The Greenprint Project, which encourages people to adopt a plant-based diet to reduce their environmental footprint.

“What is your Greenprint?” the caption to the photo reads. “Click the link in my bio for a chance to win tickets to any JAY and/or my shows for life. #greenprintproject.”

The project is linked to Marco Borges, Bey’s personal trainer, who introduced the couple to eating vegan. His work made such an impact with Bey and Jay that they recently contributed the foreword for Borges’s recent book, The Greenprint: Plant-Based Diet, Best Body, Better World

“We all have a responsibility to stand up for our health and the health of the planet,” the couple wrote. “Let’s take this stand together. Let’s spread the truth. Let’s make this mission a movement. Let’s become ‘the Greenprint.'”

For fans who are interested in becoming the Greenprint — or having the chance to win free concert tickets for life — it should be noted that you don’t have to commit totally to veganism. Once fans hop on over to the official website, you will be encouraged to commit to adding at least some plant-based meals into their diets. The site provides a drop-down menu of Greenprint options, including:

  1. All plants. All the time.
  2. Plant based for breakfast
  3. Plant based at work
  4. Two plant-based meals a day
  5. Meatless Mondays
  6. Plant-based on weekdays 

Beyoncé shared that her Greenprints are “plant based for breakfast” and “meatless Mondays” (which just proves her diet isn’t actually completely vegan). 

From there, entering the contest is pretty easy. Fans just need to add their name and email on the site. The lucky winner will receive a ticket to one concert per Beyoncé or Jay-Z tour for “life,” though the fine print specifies it’s actually for a maximum of 30 years. A winner will be selected at random on May 22.

The caveat? While the idea is a good one in theory, there is no accountability for those who enter the contest. Sure, you can share your “Greenprint” but who’s to say that you will really follow through with your plant-based breakfast?

The hope, of course, is that by poking around the website, one will become more interested in vegan eating. No doubt the free concert is an amazing incentive for experimenting with a plant-based lifestyle. And with hundreds of millions of fans at their fingertips, Bey and Jay have the power to influence another generation, and then some. No sooner did Beyoncé post about her avocado toast on Instagram last year with the caption, “44 days until Coachella!! Vegan Time!!” when many of her 112 million followers immediately posted they were following suit.

Forget free concerts. If Bey and Jay have their way, their fans will be eating vegan for life. 

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 Here’s How to Eat Vegan Like Beyoncé
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Brianne Hogan is a Canadian writer, currently based in Prince Edward Island. A self-proclaimed "wellness freak," she has a ... More about Brianne Hogan